How to update in cpanel?
- Open the package folder
- You will find file here.
- Unzip the file in the root your server
- Go to the link
- Click the update button
- Yor site will be updated
How to install in cpanel?
- PHP 7.2+
- Mysql 5+
Extract the file from codecanyon.
You’ll find a zip file named after extracting.
The Ishop needs to be installed in the root folder of your main domain/sub domain.
Upload the file to your server public_html or subdomain directory you intend to run the script.
Extract the zip file in that directory.
Now browse
If you face problem accessing the installation page, please go to This will clear the cache.
Now it's time to create a database.
- Log in to your cPanel account.
- Scroll down to the "Databases" section and click on "MySQL Databases".
- Under "Create New Database", enter a name for your database.
- Click the "Create Database" button.
- Scroll down to "Add New User" and enter a username and password for the database.
- Click the "Create User" button.
- Scroll down to "Add User to Database" and select the newly created user and database from the drop-down menus.
- Click the "Add" button.
- In the next step, you can set the permissions for the user by selecting the appropriate checkboxes.
- Click the "Make Changes" button to complete the process.
Your database is now created and a user is assigned to it, and you can now use it in the backend.
Setting up
Now browse
If you face problem accessing the installation page, please go to This will clear the cache.
Fill up the Database Name, User and Password
Click Submit
You can browse the website now.
Admin panel will be accessible in the /admin url. eg. Use these credentials below to login to the admin panel.
- Admin email:
- Admin password: 123456
NB: There is also a folder named Docker > Frontend. If you want Server side rendering of the website, this folder contains all the necessary files to install the website to a node js server. Though it's optional. A Node js server is required to install this. You will find the necessary documentation the next section of the documentation(It's optional).
Activating the script
It's required to activate the script with Purchase key of Codecanyon.
Please go to Download page form Codecanyon.
Find out the Ishop item and click on the Download button.
Click on License certificate & purchase code (PDF). You will found the purchase code here.
Please go to setting/miscellaneous page form the admin panel.
Activate the script with the purchase code.