API configuration


All the pagination data count is being set from the backend > config > constants.php file.

Types of pagination

  1. Admin panel pagination: All the admin panel pagination is being set from the api > PAGINATION
  2. Admin panel dashboard pagination: There is an option of showing the top category, top brands and top products in the dashboard page, that is being set from the pagination > DASHBOARD
  3. Frontend pagination: For all the pagination we have used frontend > PAGINATION
  4. Product count for homepage: For the count of products from the last section of homepage, we have used homeProduct > PAGINATION
  5. Listing pagination: For all the pagination in listing page we have used listing > PAGINATION
  6. Detail pagination: For the pagination of suggested products in detail page we have used imageSlider > PAGINATION
  7. Product rating pagination: For the pagination of product rating in detail page we have used pagination > FRONTEND_PRODUCT_RATING
  8. Search pagination: For the pagination of suggested search popup we have used pagination > FRONTEND_SEARCH

Clearing cache

After changing any of those values, it's time to clear the cache of the backend.

  1. Open admin.yourdomain.com/api/clear-cache in the browser. Cache has been cleared.

You can also clear the cache from the admin panel also.

  1. Login to your Admin panel.
  2. Go to Setting > Clear cache.
  3. And click Clear cache button. Cache has been cleared.